Worship  Service

     Our Sunday morning worship service is focused on seeking the Lord together through fellowship, worship, intercessory prayer and teaching from God's Word. Our primary goal is not to hold a religious service, but rather to meet with and encounter the Spirit of God in such a way that lives are impacted and we are changed to become more like Jesus as we allow Him to work in our hearts each week.

     We have a worship band, and our worship involves a lot of the old hymns, as well as some of the more contemporary songs. We love the old hymns, as so many of them have such a great message. Many of the newer songs do as well, so we do not lock ourselves into any one style. We believe God loves them all, and is much more concerned with what is in our hearts as we worship, than He is about what style of songs we are singing.

     We also strongly believe in the power of prayer, and have seen many powerful answers, including some healings and other things where God has specifically intervened on our behalf. As a result, we have a section of our service that we dedicate to prayer for our own needs, as well as those of our community and our country. We are very patriotic, and make it a practice to pray regularly for our country and our leaders.

     We also place a high priority on the teaching of God's Word. We believe that much of the church has begun to water down what the Bible really teaches regarding numerous subjects. We also believe that studying the Word should be more than just an intellectual exercise seeking more knowledge. If the instructions are not seen as practical and relevant to our lives today, we have really missed the point. The Bible tells us not to read the Word but not do what it says. As a result, our primary focus is on application to our lives today, a kind of "rubber meets the road" approach.