What  We  Believe

God the Father

God the Father has always existed, and the entire universe is His creation. The highlight of His creation is mankind, whom He created to have fellowship with. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden that fellowship was broken which resulted in God's amazing plan for our salvation through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.  Because of this, fellowship could be restored for those who would choose to accept that gift. For those that do, He becomes our Heavenly Father, and we are adopted into His family forever.


Jesus is God’s Son, the second member of the Godhead. He has always existed and was there at the creation of the world as we know it. At the God designed time, He came to earth as a baby, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life. He lived His life filled with the Holy Spirit, totally obedient to His Heavenly Father, in order to show us how we should live. At the appointed time He willingly laid down His life on the cross to pay for the punishment of our sins. On the third day He gloriously rose from the dead, and conquered death for all those who would follow Him. After 40 days of being seen by His followers and more than 500 other people, He returned to Heaven and His Father, promising to send the Holy Spirit to help finish the work He had started here. He is coming back again at the end of the age to set up His Kingdom here on earth.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third part of the Godhead. Although He was active throughout the Old Testament through the prophets and kings, He now plays a very vital role in the life of the believer. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit when He returned to Heaven, and the Holy Spirit came on the scene at Pentecost. He comes for the purpose of living in and giving God’s power to every person who becomes a follower of Jesus, having received His gift of salvation. The Holy Spirit comes to live in us as proof that we have become God’s child, and He gives each new believer special gifts or abilities that are to be used to help others grow and mature in their walk with God. He teaches, comforts, corrects, and guides us in the things the Father wants us to know and do. As we learn to hear God’s voice, it is the Holy Spirit who is telling us what the Father wants us to know.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s written word to us. It’s a love letter He wrote to show us who He is and what He is like. It was written by men as they were guided by the Holy Spirit, and it is without flaws or mistakes. Although it is thousands of years old, archaeology and science are discovering more and more proof every year that it is accurate in every detail. It is absolutely dependable in the principles that it teaches, and it is intended that we would base every aspect of our lives on those principles.


We have all sinned, and as a result we all deserve death. Our sin eternally separates us from God. No amount of good deeds can change this, because no matter how much good we do, we still have the sin problem. We were powerless to do anything to change this situation. Because of God’s incredible love for us, He did not want to leave us in this condition. The penalty for our sin required that someone must die. It should have been us. That would only be fair. God chose a different and incredible way. He told His Son to come here and pay the penalty for us; to die in our place. Jesus did this. Now every one of us has the opportunity to receive this awesome gift that He offers us, but we must choose it. It is not automatic. John 3:16 tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but would have everlasting life.” In return, He asks us to give our lives to Him; to live our lives to please and honor Him and not just ourselves. He loves us so much that He allows us to choose not to receive His gift, but to continue to live our lives the way we want. In fact, He even told us that the road that leads to salvation and eternal life is narrow, and that only a few people find it. This is not because God is hiding it from us, but because so many of us are so prone to live our lives our own way. We pray that you will be one of the ones who choose to receive this gift He offers, and we would love to help you with this in any way we can. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have!

The Church

The church is not a building. We are the church. The church is made up of every person who has put their trust in Jesus and has received His gift of salvation. In this format there is only one church throughout the world, and every born-again believer in Jesus is a part of it. On a different level, we have groups of believers who gather together regularly for the purpose of worshipping, fellowshipping and studying together. We refer to this as the local church, but again, it is referring to the people who are gathering together, and not to the location or building where they might be meeting.